Meet the Solar brothers who become paralysed when the Sun sets everyday

Amid the day, 13-year-old Shoaib Ahmed and his 9-year-old sibling Abdul Rasheed resemble whatever other children - they go outside, walk, and play with their companions.

Be that as it may, when the sun sets, the Pakistani siblings get to be incapacitated, and can't move or talk again until the sun rises. It's the primary known report of these side effects, and specialists have no clue what's bringing on them.

"We took this case as a test," Javed Akram, a teacher of drug at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, told the Associated Press.

"Our specialists are doing therapeutic tests to decide why these children stay dynamic in the day however can't open their eyes, why they can't talk or eat when [the] sun goes down."

The siblings have been nicknamed the 'sun oriented young men', and since the begin of this current year, they've been living under perception in a clinic in Islamabad, Pakistan. Their care is all complimentary, and they've experienced more than 300 tests in this way.

The primary thing the specialists needed to investigate was the possibility that the condition was some way or another identified with daylight itself, instead of time of day - the young men's dad told the Associated Press he thought they were getting their vitality from the Sun.

In any case, that (marginally strange) speculation has now formally been precluded, on the grounds that the specialists demonstrated that the young men could move around amid the day in a dull, encased room.

They've additionally demonstrated that the young men aren't experiencing transitory loss of motion brought on by nerve harm, or rest loss of motion, which is the place the body stays deadened amid REM rest while the cerebrum remains wakeful.

It's more probable that the extraordinary condition is by one means or another identified with hereditary qualities - the young men's mom and dad are first cousins, a practice that is normal in Pakistan.

However, the specialists are uncertain which qualities could have such a serious and disconnected impact on the young men's conduct.

Two different siblings in the family already kicked the bucket, obviously from a similar condition, yet the young men have a sister who's unaffected.

The specialists are currently gathering soil and air tests from the family's home town, and has sent the sibling's blood tests abroad for hereditary testing and further examination.

(Note: At one point the video above stirs up the name of the more established sibling, Shoaib, and the father, Mohammad.)

The weirdest part of the condition is that the young men truly do appear to be unaffected amid the day time.

"I will end up being an educator," Shoaib Ahmed told the Associated Press back in May, while his more youthful sibling said he needed to be an Islamic researcher.

The uplifting news is that the specialists have been trialing a scope of prescriptions on the young men to assuage the condition, and have had some positive results.

"These young men will now ideally have a close ordinary existence with the assistance of the prescriptions," Akram told Barcroft Media.

Ideally with more research, we'll begin to get a thought of what may bring about the interesting side effects in any case, so they can prevent any other person from experiencing a similar thing.
