
LOL A weasel simply close down the Large Hadron Collider!!!

Physicists have ascertained that we're *probably* not the only advanced civilisation ever in the Universe

Astronomers might have finally detected where mysterious, extragalactic neutrinos are coming from

Travelers just got their first look inside the Amazon's baffling tepui mountains

Cosmologists just made the most effective simulated star in the sky - using lasers

This German city is introducing movement lights in the asphalt for Smartphone addicts

Researchers have quite recently made sperm out of human skin cells

Physicists warn : Gravitational waves can't solve our black hole problems

This new fabric can help clean up oil spills in the untamed sea

SpaceX declares it will send a rocket to Mars by 2018

Examination uncovers : Chernobyl's milk is still radioactive 30 years after the fact

Your crappy old telephone battery could control a sun based light for a long time

Physicists just exposed one of the most promising candidates for dark matter

The building blocks of life might have emerged from a 'primordial puddle' 3.8 billion years prior

The world is getting greener because of rising carbon dioxide levels

Physicists have created a 'black hole' in the lab that could finally prove Hawking radiation exists

Researchers have accidentally made batteries that could last 400 times longer than today's most advance battery

Researchers have pushed water atoms into a radical new condition of matter